Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Random PetPeves

1. I hate when people are fake.
2. I hate when peole don't close the milk carton all the way.

3. I hate when someone wears the same shirt as you are to school.
4. I hate when HotTopic sells Ah. Dorh. A. Ble. shirts and shoes and stuff that is like a zillion dollars.
5. I hate when people say "I love you" on text. Most of the time, they don't really mean it and it just sounds creepy in my opinion.
6. I hate when people assume you have a Facebook.
7. I hate when the hook of someone's necklace is showing in front.
8. I hate when you text someone and they say "who is this?" and you tell them. Then, a few weeks later, you text them again, and they ask again!
9. I hate when ex boyfriends text you after a long time... its awkward.
10.I hate when teachers give you a zero on anassignment you did. Then, when you tell them about it, they say they don't remember and therefor you must be lying!
11.I hate when people are intentional racist. blech.
12.I hate when the cap on markers and pens isnt completely closed.
13.I hate when parents randomly freak out about like everything and they are spazzing so much that you suspect they will spontaneously combust!
14.I hate when people sing off key.
15.I hate when there are a million old papaers all jumbled together in your backpack.
Just a few things that really push my button... I got LOST In My Thoughts... :)
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