Thursday, July 1, 2010
Third Woman
After seeing Eclipse I finally understand that story about that whole third woman or whatever it was called.
I'll be honest after rereading Eclipse a bunch of times I would just skip over it... Guilty!
HAHA not
Have you ever been a movie theater and some people laugh at the parts that are just not funny?
I just saw Eclipse and I swear I was watching a sitcom!
There were a lot of stuff that could and could not be funny
Like when the whole Jacob in bed lying in bed sick thing and Bella confronting him... People were cracking up, I'm like is it because he is sweaty or his hurt?
One of the parts that I laughed at though was when Jacob said in the tent "It's because I'm hotter." Trust me I'm all Team Edward or Team I don't give shit but this was effin hilarious!
I can't think of anything else at the moment cause I just over a Eclipse hangover
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Scottsdale Anthem
Tune: We Love You Conrad, From the play Bye Bye Birdie
This is what Carly and I really think of Scottsdale
(Based on a true town)
Welcome to Scottsdale
Go to the mall
Welcome to Scottsdale
We'll have a ball
And on our cell phones
We never call
We just text in
Scottsdale y'all
We like accesories
It's really sad
How much we spend on them,
is really bad
When we don't get our way,
We get mad
So Welcome to Scottsdale, lad
We go to private schools,
We think its cool,
And every single house
Has it's own pool
We drive expensive cars,
Because they rule!
So Welcome to
Snobsdale, you tool.
*I don't know who this house is* But it is typical in Scottsdale
Just a quick thing we whipped up in 15 minutes.

Friday, May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
WTH? Dakota?
Have you ever notice that they are making to much of a big deal about Dakota in the Twilight Movies?
She just has 15 lines in the movie and she got paid probably a lot of money just to say those lines.
"This May hurt just a little."
I really don't like how people say that she said it very creepy like, she just sounded normal.
I think people were distracted by her eyes and might I say myself they look amazing!

and now she will be on Oprah along with Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and wait for it, Dakota Fanning? WTF? FAIL
You have the main love triangle there and then the awkward little volturi vamp that did not really have a big part in any of the books? awkward
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Right Now
So, Sydney is playing the best most hilarious game ever for a white girl to play. What game is this? DJ Hero. Hah. Lear. Ee. Us. She gets so into it, nodding her head, tapping her foot. Wow. This is really making my week. So anyways, I guess I'm gonna try that out. This should be interesting, I have no skill what-so-ever, in the hand-eye coordination categorie.
Me, Natalya, and Sydney just came back to Natalya's house after seeing Iron Man 2. That movie was.... umm... ok? Yeah, I wasn't majorly impressed, although, then again, I never saw the first one.
She is now laughing to herself, nodding her head (like a poser), and sticking her tounge out (?). Oh, Sydney. So, that's all for now, sleeping at Natalya's house tonight, should be interesting :) <-- wow, that must have sounded innappropriate... haha. Check out Natalya's blog ( Not a whole lot on there right now, but it should be good. :)
Friday, May 7, 2010
Ring Around the Rosie
Ring Around the Rosie is secretly about a plague and people dying! wtf!? Why do we teach that sooo creepy song to our children if it's all about death and how a disease overcomes an entire people.

Once upon a time, there were two girls. They were best friends and seemingly inseparable. But, they were no ordinary girls. These two best friends had the tendency to say the same things. Not just the same things, but the EXACT same words at the EXACT same time! It got to the point where every time it happened, the two would freak out and be scared and horrified. Why is this so bad?, you might ask. Because, it was horrible! It was creepy and unlikely and abnormal and awkward.
In case you couldn't tell, the two girls names are Sydney and Carly. Oh, and, yes. Yes, it is horrifyingly creepy.
New Look
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
So a few weeks ago I was helping out at the JCC with a play they're doing; Alice in Woner Land. This adorable little two year old was there while her mom was helping out and I was playing with her and entertaining the kid. She kept takeing the clips out of my hair and putting them in again in funny hair do's. So rehearsal ended and I got up off the floor. I started pulling my hair back into a ponytail when i felt something. She. Spit. In. My. Hair. ew. It was horrible. I am extrememly disturbed by that event.
Awkward Jew Joke
So It was at my lunch table and all of my friends were talking about superheroes
Carly:) then say's
"I can be super Jew!" (If you didn't know already Carly is Jewish.)
Than I say
"What, you just attach pennies to your shirt?"
*cricket chirpping."
Random PetPeves
1. I hate when people are fake.
2. I hate when peole don't close the milk carton all the way.
3. I hate when someone wears the same shirt as you are to school.
4. I hate when HotTopic sells Ah. Dorh. A. Ble. shirts and shoes and stuff that is like a zillion dollars.
5. I hate when people say "I love you" on text. Most of the time, they don't really mean it and it just sounds creepy in my opinion.
6. I hate when people assume you have a Facebook.
7. I hate when the hook of someone's necklace is showing in front.
8. I hate when you text someone and they say "who is this?" and you tell them. Then, a few weeks later, you text them again, and they ask again!
9. I hate when ex boyfriends text you after a long time... its awkward.
10.I hate when teachers give you a zero on anassignment you did. Then, when you tell them about it, they say they don't remember and therefor you must be lying!
11.I hate when people are intentional racist. blech.
12.I hate when the cap on markers and pens isnt completely closed.
13.I hate when parents randomly freak out about like everything and they are spazzing so much that you suspect they will spontaneously combust!
14.I hate when people sing off key.
15.I hate when there are a million old papaers all jumbled together in your backpack.
Just a few things that really push my button... I got LOST In My Thoughts... :)
2. I hate when peole don't close the milk carton all the way.
3. I hate when someone wears the same shirt as you are to school.
4. I hate when HotTopic sells Ah. Dorh. A. Ble. shirts and shoes and stuff that is like a zillion dollars.
5. I hate when people say "I love you" on text. Most of the time, they don't really mean it and it just sounds creepy in my opinion.
6. I hate when people assume you have a Facebook.
7. I hate when the hook of someone's necklace is showing in front.
8. I hate when you text someone and they say "who is this?" and you tell them. Then, a few weeks later, you text them again, and they ask again!
9. I hate when ex boyfriends text you after a long time... its awkward.
10.I hate when teachers give you a zero on anassignment you did. Then, when you tell them about it, they say they don't remember and therefor you must be lying!
11.I hate when people are intentional racist. blech.
12.I hate when the cap on markers and pens isnt completely closed.
13.I hate when parents randomly freak out about like everything and they are spazzing so much that you suspect they will spontaneously combust!
14.I hate when people sing off key.
15.I hate when there are a million old papaers all jumbled together in your backpack.
Just a few things that really push my button... I got LOST In My Thoughts... :)
What the F*ck Haley?
Why Does Haley feel the need to pray during a song?
It is just plain creepy...
Can you guess what she is sayin here?

Stayin Home

I woke up sick this morning. Ew. I guess the universe decided I nededsome quality time with my bed, a book, and this blog.
Soo booored...
So i woke up with a massive headache ( You know the kind of headache that makes you want to die?)
Walked down stairs, made some eggs, stopped in the office to visit my dad.
Why is it that when you're exhausted and just want some quiet time, he decides that today is the day to dicuss my effort in school work and my grades thus far?
Soo... now I'm bored, feel totally better, but because I was sick this morning I cant go out :/
This deffinately sucks.
On the other hand, I got to watch Friends all day!
I love that show :)
I dont really know what to do now... hmmmm...
Sydney text me back!!
I think I'm gonna draw, I'm very into art, so maybe that'll entertain me...
for like an hour :/
Well I guess that's all for now, I'll write again tomorow :) Sorry, I got a little Lost.... random things I just wrote. huh. haha
It's about freakin Time!
Ok, So I am guessing you all know that Breaking Dawn has an official date now? What's the date? November 11 2011...
Breaking Dawn now finally has the green Light.
I wonder what Rob will look like by then???
Yes. That's good that Rob followed that Singing career.
Today So far how has been a awesome day! (well in school it was normal, but what evs.)
I just wanted to make an announcement that for commenting you can now have you disqus, facebook, and twitter account to comment!... Yea! This site is a whore!
Feels too accomplished,
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I think I Got a Little Bitter in This One... But, It's True! :D
You know what makes me laugh? Everyone on Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, and anything else where you can describe yourself, says they dont care. They say that they are indivisuals. They say that they do whatever they want to do and dont let other people discourage them. How?
How is it possible that everyone is origonal?
How is it possible that knowone gives a hoot about what others think?
I know that maybe they are being honest. Yeah... I'm sure aboput 25 percent of those people are actually indivisual; actually care.
But what about the other 75 percent?
They are saying they are so different, when in reality: every day at school, everytime they wear the cutest new outfit, everytime they buy the new hot gadget from BestBuy, everytime they give in to yet another stereotype about teenagers: they're lieing. What a shame, Right?
If everyone's different
If everyone's origonal
How are we all telling the truth? idk... just a random thought i had :) I got a little Lost...
New to Town
It's Syd here and I am one of the bloggers for LOST in Our Thoughts, a co-creator as I might say :)
I just wanted to introduce myself and in the near future y'all will have some intersting stories to read ;)
I do this with my best friend carly. Me and Carly are like Peas and Carrots (Forrest Gump Quote.)
I will make this a short post Ta Ta for now.
I am off to go watch the Young and The Restless with my parents!
(I am seriously worried about my future) Maybe I should get Lost?
Yours Truly,
Sydney (a.k.a ocdrox)
First Day of Blogging
Sitting in Sydney's room, typing, of course. Sydneys playing some dumb app. on her IPod Touch. Too many app.'s in the world! There is even this app. where you can take your voice and mix it with the star's of the best tv show ever (GLEE)! Its ridiculous how much you can do on a piece of technology. It hurts my brain to think about.... There she is... sitting on her bed... apps. god! She just informed me of an app. called ISperm! wtf!? haha We are becoming too grotescely dependent on modern technology. Do we really need a device that allows you to virtuely cook? Just go make yourself some dinner or microwave! OOOooh the world... haha oy.
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