I woke up sick this morning. Ew. I guess the universe decided I nededsome quality time with my bed, a book, and this blog.
Soo booored...
So i woke up with a massive headache ( You know the kind of headache that makes you want to die?)
Walked down stairs, made some eggs, stopped in the office to visit my dad.
Why is it that when you're exhausted and just want some quiet time, he decides that today is the day to dicuss my effort in school work and my grades thus far?
Soo... now I'm bored, feel totally better, but because I was sick this morning I cant go out :/
This deffinately sucks.
On the other hand, I got to watch Friends all day!
I love that show :)
I dont really know what to do now... hmmmm...
Sydney text me back!!
I think I'm gonna draw, I'm very into art, so maybe that'll entertain me...
for like an hour :/
Well I guess that's all for now, I'll write again tomorow :) Sorry, I got a little Lost.... random things I just wrote. huh. haha